In broad terms, my work delves into the intricacies and complexities that define our human experience. Within these parameters, I explore the temporal and eternal, wounds and fragility, eros, freedom, and spirituality.

I am fascinated by the concealed aspects of our inner worlds — fantasies, fixations, orphaned feelings, and unspoken longings. I am drawn to making images that leave a generous space for imagination and individual interpretation and provoke feeling over demonstrating accuracy. I like to move towards the unpredictable outcome in the hope of capturing the unseen beneath the seen, the energetic beneath the form.

I'm drawn to both the primal and the subtle aspects of the world around us. For me, the texture of a decaying flower petal, the sensual full body of the sea, and the fluency of nature's choreography are potent mirrors and highly symbolic of our internal experience. 

My inclination towards nocturnal exploration lends a touch of the surreal, ephemeral, and veiled to my projects.

In both the Meet Me In My Hiding and Crimson Elegy bodies of work there is a desire to share images that whisper of a liminal and transitional space where light and darkness can be felt to intertwine, what I describe as threshold images, images that explore the boundaries between dreams and reality and invite us to linger, to slow down and immerse ourselves with the possibility of experiencing a moment of expanded awareness and wonder. 

"There's no true beauty that doesn't have a strangeness" Edgar Alan Poe.

Current Bodies of Work

Crimson Elegy

Meet me in my Hiding

The Cottage


Home Town